S'une Rosalia

"I grew up listening to stories about Mom and her companions... now I'm living those adventures."

S'une is a traveler from 'afar' who showed up at the Mysterium one day and was quickly and quietly offered an auxiliary job by the directors. While the secret of her existence has been kept relatively intact, it has left the girl questioning her purpose and way forward.

Despite that, she remains a friendly and amiable presence at the Mysterium who holds a fondness for everyone who dwells inside. She is talented, if a bit clumsy, but generally is seems to be quite capable in her own right.

Open to all walk-up RP
S'une is a part of the Legatum Mysteria organization.


Name: S'une Rosalia

Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon...?
Relationship: Single
Orientation: Demiromantic
Occupation: Arcanist, ᛏ̴͌͠ᛁ̶̲͖̄ᛗ̷̢͊͐ᛖ̸͓̎ᚹ̴̤̪̈́̿ᚨ̵̠̍ᛚ̵͚̌̄ᚴ̷̟͎̐͑ᛖ̸͎̪̑ᚱ̷̰̋, Mysterium Agent

+ Kind | Planner | Foresighted | Generous | Curious | Helpful
- Careless | Accident-prone | Aimless | Nostalgic

S'une is a violet haired Miqo'te with a kind heart and a passion for helping others. Enjoying her own set of fashion, she wears robes that few others have been seen to use. She is never ostentatious and tends to favor simpler outfits and minimal jewelry.
Her personality is charitable with a special fondness for helping children when she can. A good listener, she offers her advice to anybody willing to listen though her advice is not always the best. Still, she has an uncanny way of saying just the right thing or offering gentle nudges towards solutions for people involved with problems.

Reading | Art | Candy | Philanthropy | C̸̨̦̿o̷̢͘l̶̮̭̅o̷̡̦̍̾r̸̢̨͗ȉ̷̬n̵̝̏g̴̠̚ | Astrology

Causing Problems | Worrying | Certain Monetarist Families | Cruelty

Though a talented spellweaver, S'une's motivations in the art seem to have waned of late for unknown reasons. Whatever spark once motivated her seems to have died and the spellstress is listless... seeking a new purpose.In the late hours of the day, she often spends her time by the fireplace drawing or painting. She is preparing to travel to Tural with many other in the Mysterium, though she lacks any sort of clear destination in mind. Yet somehow, she has a feeling her new vocation will be there...


Mysterium Agent
A reliable agent of the Mysterium who often is willing to go on missions for the betterment of the Mysterium. If you have a special need that needs to be taken care of by the Mysterium... there's a chance she might be assigned to the team that will help you.

Unusual Surname
Those who happen to catch S'une's surname will see that it shares a name with a rather infamous Ul'dahn renegade. Perhaps if you know the renegade in question, that might give you an interesting topic of discussion with the catte.

If all else fails, S'une is extremely sweet and kind. Those drawn to people with good hearts will find a kindred spirit here, as she strongly believes in philanthropy and helping others. If your cause is for the greater good, perhaps you might win S'une's attentions with a well-worded plea for help.

Ever since she was small, S'une has loved all kinds of art, whether its sketching, painting, or doodling. If you are a fellow connoisseur of the arts, you are likely to find a kindred soul in the woman. If you were perhaps to go a step further and introduce her into a certain magical art relating to that... well... S'une would be heavily drawn to you.


I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike. I adore walkups and will do my best to reply. Feel free to whisper me if I don't reply, I may have missed your message in the chat scroll.I only have three real notes about my roleplay:Firstly - I am open to just about any sort of collaboration or introduction, including mature and dark themes... but please clear anything dramatic with me beforehand so I can prepare and make sure the idea is a good fit for both of us!Second - Please respect the IC/OOC boundaries. While I am open to the idea of character romance (and it is my favorite trope!), it is important to distinguish between IC and OOC. I am happily married IRL, and trying to push anything that happens between S'une and your character into an IRL context is the swiftest way to ensure I never want to roleplay with you again.Third - I generally try to stay lore compliant in a public setting to avoid breaking anybody's immersion. FFXIV has a very rich lore, but I am also a firm believer in the 'rule of cool'. My stories might take some creative liberties in regards to various undefined aspects of the lore. The Legatum Mysteria typically has plots that touch on some of the vaguer bits of lore and interpret them. S'une in particular has a pretty wild backstory that might be offputting to some people. If you prefer only to deal in absolutes in lore, please note that prying into S'une's backstory may not be the greatest fit for you. Otherwise, I absolutely love when others try to learn more about my characters and I will attempt to return the favor of your own character's history!

Name: Sunshine!

Race: Miqo'te
Gender: Girl
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Occupation: Student, Arts and Crafts, Bein' super duper good!

+ Super Brave! | Squeals' Favorite Sister
Good at learning Fractions

- Can't swim... yet | Bein' too good
Eats Candy before bed

Sunshine is one of the street urchins that Mynne adopted when she found her on the streets. A sweet little girl, she idolizes Mynne and wants to grow up to be just like the streetcatte... for good or ill.
She currently resides at the Mysterium under the protection of her older brother Squeals and Mynne when she's at the Mysterium.

Coloring Books | Arts and Crafts | Candy | Staying up Late | R̵͍̝͠ḛ̶̪̈͛ṡ̶̙̓ë̴̠́ä̸̧́͝r̴͖͋͝ć̶̼h̷̼̾ | Ice Cream

Frogs | Mean Monetarists | Warts | When my brothers tease me!

Sunshine has a bright future after a grim beginning. She has been given a fine education paid for out of Mynne's own pockets and is encouraged by her older brother to keep her marks up.

She idolizes the others at the Mysterium, looking to them as some of the coolest people ever.


This section describes some storyline details for potential hooks/walk-up RP.
Standard - Information that a skilled information gatherer could learn with the right contacts.
Hidden - With the right circumstances and a vested interest in S'une, one could eventually discover clues to these... if they are lucky.
Top Secret - Very few people know this information, please ask before using in RP.


Strange Aether - (Requires Moderate Aether-Sense) - S'une's soft violet aether is unusual in a way that is difficult to pinpoint exactly why. Were a sample to be taken, it would appear that the young woman is out of sync with the rest of the world.Kin to Squeals and Sunshine' - S'une is related to both Squeals and Sunshine through their mutual adoptive mother. Strangely, both siblings seem unaware of this fact, and S'une is not very forthcoming with additional information. However, it is difficult to overlook the familial resemblence between S'une and Sunshine...


Fugitive's Adopted Daughter - S'une grew up in extreme poverty and was destined for an illegal slaver's hold when she was rescued by her adoptive mother, Mynne. Harboring a deep love for her adoptive mother, she nevertheless must contend with the fact that she is technically related to an outlaw with a large bounty on her head.Artistically Talented - Harboring a deep love of the arts and a powerful command of arcanistry, it is only a matter of time before the woman embraces pictomancy. While not much is known about this old art, S'une nevertheless possesses an immense aptitude for the magic.

Top Secret

Ill-fated Traveller - S'une hails from close to 12 years in the future. In the current timeline, she is a ten year old girl at the Mysterium called Sunshine. She took on a mission in the future to prevent one of the directors from dying in a time paradox and became stuck when the thread of her timeline became too lost to return to. Taking on a new name in order to prevent further timeline contamination, she assists the director Zozola with time-related things at the Mysterium. Capable of minor time magic, she is nevertheless a disciple of the lost art.Visions of the Future - Having lived through adolescence at the Mysterium in her timeline, S'une has seen many important things happen to the members there... and not all of them are good. Though the timeline has diverged somewhat from what she has known, some events still occur... and when the bad ones happen, she struggles with the self-doubt on whether she should have intervened when it involves somebody she cares about deeply. This indecision torments her, and she often advertently makes bad situations even worse on the occasions where she does tamper with the timeline.